Ming Ke Ming (名可名) – Identity Module

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This document introduces a common Identity Module for decentralized user identity authentication.

Copyright © 2018 Albert Moky

0. Meta

The Meta was generated by your private key, it can be used to build a new ID for entity, or verify the ID/PK pair.

It consists of 4 fields:

| Field | Description | | ———– | —————————– | | version | Meta Algorithm Version | | seed | Entity Name | | key | Public Key | | fingerprint | Signature to generate address |

0.0. Version

Now it’s value always equal to 0x01.

0.1. Seed

A string as same as ID.name for generate the fingerprint.

0.2. Key

A public key (PK) was binded to an ID by the Meta Algorithm.

0.3. Fingerprint

THe fingerprint field was generated by your private key and seed:

fingerprint = sign(seed, SK);

1. ID

The ID is used to identify an entity(account/group). It consists of 3 fields and 2 extended properties:

| Field | Description | | ———– | —————————– | | name | Same with meta.seed | | address | Unique Identification | | terminal | Login point, it’s optional. | | type | Network type | | number | Search Number |

The ID format is name@address[/terminal].

1.0. Type

The network type of a person is 8, and group is 16:

// Network ID
enum {
    MKMNetwork_Main  = 0x08, // (Person)
    MKMNetwork_Group = 0x10, // (Multi-Persons)

1.1. Name

The Name field is a username, or just a random string for group:

  1. The length of name must more than 1 byte, less than 32 bytes;
  2. It should be composed by a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or charactors ‘_’, ‘-‘, ‘.’;
  3. It cannot contain key charactors(‘@’, ‘/’).
// Name examples
userName  = "Albert.Moky";
groupName = "Group-1234567890";

1.2. Address

The Address field was created with the Fingerprint in Meta and a Network ID:

// Address algorithm
function btcBuildAddress(fingerprint, network) {
    hash       = ripemd160(sha256(fingerprint));
    check_code = sha256(sha256(network + hash)).prefix(4);
    address    = base58(network + hash + code);
    return address;

When you get a meta for the entity ID from the network, you must verify it with the consensus algorithm before accept its key.

// Meta algorithm
function isMatch(ID, meta) {
    // 1. check 'seed', 'key' & 'fingerprint' in meta with ID.name
    if (meta.seed != ID.name) {
        return false;
    if (!verify(meta.seed, meta.fingerprint, meta.key)) {
        return false;
    // 2. build address with meta, compare it with ID.address
    address = btcBuildAddress(meta.fingerprint, ID.address.network);
    if (address != ID.address) {
        return false;
    // 3. if all of the above matches, get public key from meta
    ID.publicKey = meta.key;
    return true;

1.3. Terminal

A resource identifier as Login Point.

1.4. Number

A Search Number is defined for easy remember. Its value is converted from the check code of the address. It’s greater than 0 and smaller than 232 (4,294,967,296).

2. Samples


/* ID examples */
ID1 = "hulk@4YeVEN3aUnvC1DNUufCq1bs9zoBSJTzVEj"; // Immortal Hulk
ID2 = "moki@4WDfe3zZ4T7opFSi3iDAKiuTnUHjxmXekk"; // Monkey King


/* Meta example: hulk@4YeVEN3aUnvC1DNUufCq1bs9zoBSJTzVEj */
    version     : 0x01,
    seed        : "hulk",
    key         : {
        algorithm  : "RSA",
        data       : "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGJAoGBALB+vbUK48UU9rjlgnohQowME+3JtTb2hLPqtatVOW364/EKFq0/PSdnZVE9V2Zq+pbX7dj3nCS4pWnYf40ELH8wuDm0Tc4jQ70v4LgAcdy3JGTnWUGiCsY+0Z8kNzRkm3FJid592FL7ryzfvIzB9bjg8U2JqlyCVAyUYEnKv4lDAgMBAAE=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
        // other parameters
        keySize    : 1024,
        encryption : "PKCS1",
        signature  : "PKCS1v15SHA256"
    fingerprint : "jIPGWpWSbR/DQH6ol3t9DSFkYroVHQDvtbJErmFztMUP2DgRrRSNWuoKY5Y26qL38wfXJQXjYiWqNWKQmQe/gK8M8NkU7lRwm+2nh9wSBYV6Q4WXsCboKbnM0+HVn9Vdfp21hMMGrxTX1pBPRbi0567ZjNQC8ffdW2WvQSoec2I="

(All data encode with BASE64 algorithm as default, excepts the address)